Monday 17 March 2014

Eat Less And Lose Weight

Let me make one thing perfectly clear – it doesn’t matter how much you exercise; if you still eat a lot of food you can kill yourself exercising but you won’t get any thinner. That’s because the calories that you burn exercising just get replaced by the calories that you eat and then some. You shouldn’t even be surprised that you gained weight instead of losing it.

 Portions are just as important as the type of foods you eat. Even if you eat all healthy foods it can still make you fat if you eat a ton of it every day. What you have in terms of quality you make up for in quantity. Thus, even a 100 calorie meal can still add up if you eat 5 helpings of it.

What you need to do is eat less. This way when you combine it with your exercises you can really lose that weight. But the question is: how do you do that?

One way is to eat using smaller plates. A part of eating requires visuals. If a big plate is full your brain wants you to eat the whole thing. This means that you will wind up eating a lot.

However, imagine if the plate is 20 percent less in terms of size. This means that you can only put 20 percent less food. Because the plate still looks full your brain thinks that it is still a full meal even if it is less.

Speaking of less, try to consciously serve yourself less. If you used to get four pieces of chicken how about going for three instead. If you always have 2 cups of rice per meal try going for only a cup and a half. While these may seem little cut backs they do add up to less calories and fat being absorbed by your body.

Before you eat drink one glass of water first. Doing so will partially fill up your stomach with the water. This will send a message to your brain that it won’t take a lot of food to fill up the remaining space. Thus, your stomach fill send the ‘all full’ signal to your brain much earlier. This will then make the brain send out the ‘stop eating’ signal so you wind up eating less than usual.

If you’re going to eat, forego the three meals a day rule. While it is a good idea it does give you the risk of eating more, especially if you feel hungry. Nowadays, many dieticians are pushing for smaller meals at closer intervals.

The premise is simple. Instead of eating three big meals a day, you can eat six smaller meals instead. This way you allow your body time to really absorb the food without going totally hungry. You eat less but still stay full throughout the day.

Finally, don’t eat like you’re ‘Speedy Gonzales.’ If you eat fast, you don’t give your stomach time to register that it’s already full. Thus, you wind up cramming more food into your stomach before it tells you to stop.

Eating slowly allows the stomach to register every bit of food that goes into it. This way it can keep tab of where the food level in the stomach already is. By doing so it can right away tell the brain it is full so the brain can tell you to stop eating.

*Photo Credit to the Owner

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